Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful

How often has a child approached a parent and said, with arms outstretched, “Do you love me this much?”? And to a young heart’s delight, Dad or Mom with arms stretched much farther than a child could imagine replies, “I love you MORE than this!” This little exchange captures a truth that is more often lived than explained.

In a very different kind of language Jesus describes what love makes possible. It is beyond our imaginations and quite often exceeds our limited reach. Sometimes the people we love are limited to a small circle of people on whom we are dependent.   In some ways it can be selfish. Jesus challenges us to reach out beyond what is most familiar. He shows us how to love even a stranger or someone who is not able to give us anything in return.

Parents are like that. Seeing the Canadian flag this Canada Day will remind us of the many thousands who sacrificed in war and conflict and the many generations who worked hard to ensure a future for unseen generations. We can only marvel at their love and look to Jesus to help us imitate them.

Mass Attendance Update

There has been some confusion around Mass attendance.

While the province did increase the number of people able to attend Mass to more than 50, there are still limits on how many people can be in the church at one time.

In addition, we are now required by law to keep a record of those attending Mass. 

For these reasons, we still need you to register to attend Mass. While we continue to use a lottery system, the increased capacity that we have in the church means that you have a much greater chance of being able to attend the Mass of your choice on a regular basis.

If you would like to register your household to attend Mass, you can do so at the link below.


If you know of someone who does not have internet access, and would like to attend, please encourage them to call the parish office (653-6830) to register.

Please only register for Mass once, your name stays on the list for following weeks.

If you would like to make a change to your registration, for example you wish to change your preferred Mass time, or change the number of people in your household who wish to attend Mass, you can just email ( us with any changes.


Please continue to use the front doors when entering the church.

Please maintain at least a 6-foot distance from anyone not in your household.

Seats are NOT reserved, and not all pews are available for use. If you have a preferred section of the church you wish to sit in, please arrive early.

Due to the reservation system continuing, Ushers and Lectors will be scheduled through the parish office for the time being.


We still need additional ushers to assist us with the important responsibility of ensuring that we all safely comply with the province’s social distancing requirements. Ushers are also instrumental in assisting in the orderly flow of people entering and exiting the church. If you feel you can assist Msgr. Henneberry in this ministry, please fill out the form at the link below.



On Saturday, May 30, Msgr. Henneberry will hear Confessions in the church from 2:45 to 3:30 pm. (Note the change from the regular time.) Please enter the church through the front doors and exit via the wheelchair ramp door. If you have not been selected to attend Mass this Saturday, please leave the church before Mass begins. Your cooperation enables us to comply with current provincial COVID-19 laws.

For the safety of everyone, please maintain 6 feet of space between you and other parishioners at all times. 


On Saturday, May 23, Msgr. Henneberry will hear Confessions in the church from 2:45 to 3:30 pm. (Note the change in time.) Please enter the church through the front doors and exit via the wheelchair ramp door. If you have not been selected to attend Mass this Saturday, please leave the church before Mass begins. Your cooperation enables us to comply with current provincial COVID-19 laws.

For the safety of everyone, please maintain 6 feet of space between you and other parishioners at all times. 


If you were not one of those who were selected to join us at one of the weekend Masses, please remember that Mass will be streamed in all of the usual places beginning at 9:00 am on Sunday morning.

At 5:00 pm on Saturday, and noon on Sunday, Msgr. Henneberry will be available in the side parking lot (side facing towards Millidgeville) to distribute Communion to those who wish to receive. To comply with current social distancing protocols, we ask that parishioners park in every second spot, and remain in their cars.