Holy Redeemer Parish is offering prayers for all those affected by workplace injuries or deaths, in recognition of the April 28 National Day of Mourning for Persons Killed or Injured in the Workplace.
This recognition of the sacrifices of workers is especially poignant at this time of great demands on healthcare, agriculture, transport, and all essential workers, and in the wake of the mass shootings in Nova Scotia taking the lives of first responders and front-line workers.

Saint John’s monument to honour workers who have been killed or injured on the job is located at the Frank and Ella Hatheway Labour Exhibit Centre, Lily Lake Pavilion, Rockwood Park. The monument was created by Darren Byers and Fred Harrison, and unveiled at the place honouring labour advocate W. Frank Hatheway on April 28, 2011.
On this Third Sunday of Easter in 2009, Saints Arcangelo Tadini and Bernardo Tolomei were canonized for their courageous and self-sacrificial service to the needs of workers even in times of epidemics (Benedict XVI, Third Sunday of Easter Homily, 2009).
At this time, let us pray for workers in our community, for workers and migrant workers serving our community, that the dignity of work and the rights of workers be respected in justice and charity. Let us pray for workers who have been injured or killed due to unsafe working conditions. And, let us pray that workers’ families are supported by employers when workers are injured or killed on the job.