This Sunday we proclaim with the Church that Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). Guided in faith by the Word of truth, we may receive the gift of life in Christ (Benedict XVI, Regina Cæli address, Fifth Sunday of Easter 2011).

– Saint Pius X Church Sanctuary stained glass window renderings of Jesus’ I AM statements
This Sunday’s Gospel commands a twofold yet singular act of faith, to believe in God and believe also in Jesus Christ (John 14:1). Those who believe in Christ will do the work of God (John 14:12). Our good work brings us dignity and fulfillment (CSDC §2). Being humanly-at-work enables us to fully express our God-given gifts and talents, and to enjoy our job well done with an appreciative community (Kass, Leading a Worthy Life).
At this time, as quarantine measures ease and we are allowed to gradually resume our work, “we pray the Lord will grant to His people, all of us, the grace of prudence… so that the pandemic does not return” (Pope Francis, Homily, April 28, 2020).
This Sunday is also Mother’s Day. May Mary, Queen of Heaven, Mother of the Church, and Mother of Jesus, protect and support our mothers.