Prayers Of The Faithful – February 2

For Pope Francis and his prayer intention that the Church will encourage and support young people who are exploring a call to the Priesthood and Religious Life.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian and our Diocesan Family as we open ourselves to the graces and hope of the Holy Year.
We pray to the Lord.

For seniors and the elderly in our families, our parish and our community who can teach us about God’s presence in our lives.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor and homeless, especially families and children, who suffer most from severe winter weather.
We pray to the Lord.

For people who are ill, at home or in hospital, and for their families and caregivers.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Cyrille Bezeau, Tracey MacKenny, Patricia Donaldson, Betty Clark, Tom Ingalls, Karen Ann Mantin; and for families and friends who mourn them.
We pray to the Lord.