FYI – Income Tax Receipts for 2019 will be going out in the mail in the next few days.
Category: Announcements
Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for February 3 – 9.

Latin Mass
Fr. Peter Melanson will be celebrating the next First Saturday Latin Mass on Saturday, February 1, 10 am, at Holy Redeemer Parish.

Martha Guild
The Martha Guild will be meeting on Sunday, January 26, following the 11 am Mass (weather permitting). They will be discussing plans for upcoming events, including the February 25 Shrove Tuesday supper.
The Guild needs new members, both male and female. Anyone who is interested is invited to attend the meeting.
We thank the Knights of Columbus for their $964.75 donation to the parish. The Knights raise money through their Bingo, and we encourage you to support them every Tuesday night, 7 pm, in our parish hall.
Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for January 20 – January 26.

The Holy Redeemer CWL extends a sincere Thank You to its members and parishioners who so kindly filled Christmas Gift Bags and/or gave Gift Cards. Because of your generosity, more than 20 gift bags were donated to patients of St. Joseph’s Hospital and 35 gift cards went to their various Outreach programs.
Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for January 13 – January 19.

Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for January 6 – January 12.