
Congratulations to the Martha Guild on running a very successful Harvest Bingo. The proceeds from this Bingo, $1,449.25, will be used for ongoing church restoration work.

Happy Birthday

We extend belated birthday greetings to parishioner Monty Johnston, who celebrated her 102 birthday on September 16. Happy Birthday Monty and we hope you continue to enjoy good health.

CWL Bursaries

Congratulations to Brandon Chiasson, a volunteer with Religious Education program, and John Clifford, a long-time altar server, the recipients of our two CWL Bursaries. We wish them all the best in your future endeavours.


We have received a bit more yarn for all of you who would like to knit items for our Christmas families. Mittens, hats, scarves, etc. would all be most welcome. Drop by the office to pick some up.

CWL Tickets

Would CWL members who have been selling tickets for the raffle please return the ticket stubs and money to the office, or place them in an envelope marked with your name and “CWL” and deposit it in the collection. Thank you for your assistance.