Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for December 2 – December 8.

Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for December 2 – December 8.
We still have a few 2019-2020 Sunday Missals left at the parish office. The cost is $5. Drop by sooner rather than later as we are unable to get any additional copies.
Join us on Wednesday, November 27, for our annual Christmas Cash Bingo.
Stock up for Christmas!
All parishioners are welcome to join us at our annual Memorial Mass on Wednesday evening.
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for November 18 – November 24.
Our Remembrance Book is located at the front of the church.
The Holy Redeemer CWL will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, November 18, 2 pm, in the parish hall. All ladies are welcome.
The Brown Scapular is a traditional sacramental worn in devotion to our Blessed Mother. You may enroll in the Brown Scapular following the 4 pm Mass on November 23. Brown Scapulars, made by a deceased member of the Legion of Mary (Mary Crochett), will be provided for free.