Fr. Peter Melanson will be celebrating the next First Saturday Latin Mass on Saturday, December 7, 10 am, at Holy Redeemer Parish.

Fr. Peter Melanson will be celebrating the next First Saturday Latin Mass on Saturday, December 7, 10 am, at Holy Redeemer Parish.
Thank you to all who attended our Parish Fun Day. A special thanks to the Martha Guild and the students from our Religious Education program, all of whom worked so diligently to make it a great success.
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for October 28 – November 3.
Reminder: There will be a meeting in the parish hall for Confirmation candidates, their parents, and sponsors tonight, Sunday, October 27, 6:30 – 7:30 pm.
Reminder: The Martha Guild will have sign-up sheets in the church this weekend. They are looking for new volunteers (both male & female) to help with funeral receptions, fundraising, and parish social events. You can also call Louise (648-9059) or Donna (658-1568 or 645-9990) to submit your name.
We will begin selling 2019-2020 Sunday Missals the first weekend in November.
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for October 21 – 27.
Our Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception founded here in Saint John by Sister Honoria Conway on October 21, 1854 are celebrating their 165 anniversary. We are grateful for their charism of charity lived out in our midst over all of these years. Congratulations! May God continue to bestow on them his choicest blessings!
Bishop Robert Harris
Bishop Harris is preparing to retire after twelve years of service as Bishop of Saint John. You are invited to a concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiving to say farewell to him at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on Thursday, November 7, 6:30 pm. A reception will follow.
Reminder: The Parish Fun Day is this Sunday!