Reminder: Classes begin tomorrow, Sunday, September 22. Times: Grades 1- 5 – 9:50 am; Grades 6, 7 & Confirmation – 6:30 pm.
Category: Announcements
Mass Requests
We are completely booked with Mass Intentions on Sundays until the end of the year. The Saturday 4 pm Memorial Mass is still an option if you wish to book more Masses before the end of 2019.
Join us on Wednesday, September 25, for our annual Harvest Bingo.

Latin Mass
Fr. Peter Melanson will be celebrating First Saturday Latin Mass on Saturday, October 5, 10 am, at Holy Redeemer Parish.

CWL Meeting
The Holy Redeemer CWL will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, September 16, at 2 pm, in the parish hall. All ladies are welcome.
Religious Education
We still need volunteers for our Religious Education program.

Legion Of Mary
The Legion of Mary meets in the Holy Redeemer parish hall every Thursday at 10:30 am. New members are welcome.
Religious Education
Reminder: Registration for our Religious Education program is this weekend.

Reminder: The Knights of Columbus 25 Cent Bingo resumes tonight, Tuesday, September 10, 7 pm, in our parish hall.
Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for September 9 – September 15.