The Knights of Columbus 25 Cent Bingo resumes on Tuesday, September 10, 7 pm, in the parish hall, with a Cookie Jar, 50/50 Draw and a canteen.
Category: Announcements
Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for August 26 – September 1.

Mass Cancellation
There will be no noon Mass this Thursday, August 29.
Church Locked
Our custodian, Gary, is on vacation this week (Monday, August 26 – Friday, August 30). Except for Mass, the church will be locked during the day.
Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for August 19 – 25.

Religious Education
Classes begin soon at Holy Redeemer.
*Please note that we’ve added at additional evening of Registration and that the class times for Grades 6 & 7 have changed.

Bulletin Boards
It would be appreciated if all posters, notices, etc., were brought into the office to be posted on the church bulletin boards by the staff. We would also ask that you do not write or mark on posters and notices which are already on the bulletin boards. Thank You.
Mass Cancellation
The 9:00am Mass on Wednesday, August 14, has been cancelled.
Save The Dates
Keep your schedule open!

Latin Mass
Fr. Peter Melanson will be celebrating First Saturday Latin Mass on Saturday, September 7, 10am, at Holy Redeemer Parish.