There will be no Novena Mass at Holy Redeemer on Tuesday, April 16. Instead, parishioners are invited to attend the Chrism Mass that evening at the Cathedral at 6:30pm.
Category: Announcements
April 14 Bulletin
Tomorrow, Sunday, April 14, is the last day to bid on items in the Religious Education Silent Auction. Auction items will be on display in the hall after both Sunday morning Masses. Proceeds will be donated to the North End Food Bank.
Easter Flower Deadline

Latin Mass
Fr. Peter Melanson will be celebrating First Saturday Latin Mass tomorrow, Saturday, April 5, 10am, at Holy Redeemer Parish.
Mass Cancellation
There will be no 9am Mass on Wednesday, March 20.
The monthly meeting of the CWL will be held on Monday, March 18, 2pm, in the Holy Redeemer parish hall. All ladies welcome to attend.
St. Patrick’s Lunch
Join us on Friday!

The profit from our recent Bingo was $1,756.05; and from the pancake supper, $784.04. Thanks to the Martha Guild and their volunteers for doing such a great job.
Mass Cancellation
The 9am Mass on Wednesday, March 13, has been cancelled.