Get them before they are gone. These were produced by Aitkens Pewter and make a great stocking stuffer.
Category: Announcements
Friday Night Cards
The next Auction 45s Card Party will be held this Friday, December 14, 7:30pm. Cost: $3/person. Games are held on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Everyone is welcome.
Thank You
Thanks to the Martha Guild and all of their junior helpers who made last week’s CWL banquet a success.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Parking & Safety
A number of parishioners have recently expressed concerns about the flow of traffic and parking around the Church. Drivers are asked to enter by the middle driveway (the one between the church and the rectory) and to exit by the driveway on the other side (the valley side) of the church. When you are parking around the church, please remember that we need to keep an open lane in case emergency vehicles and personnel need to be summoned for someone who becomes ill at the weekend Masses or at funerals. Arrows and lines have been painted on the parking surface to assist in maintaining a safe space but extra caution is needed in winter when these are sometimes covered by snow or ice. Thank you for caring for each other.
Christmas Baskets
There is still time to bring in travel-size toiletries and knitted goods (mittens, slippers, etc.) which will be included with the gift certificates that we hand out for Christmas. You can leave the items in the church at the main entrance, or drop them off at the parish office.
The Catholic Bookstore
Effective February 1, 2019, The Catholic Bookstore will stop operating as a retail store. It will continue as a wholesale outlet for churches to order liturgical products. In anticipation of the retail part of the business ending, The Catholic Bookstore is currently having a Stock Clear Out Sale with 50% off most items in the store. This sale will continue until Friday, December 21. The Catholic Bookstore is open Tuesday – Friday, 10am – 4:30pm, at 1 Bayard Drive, on the lower level of the Diocesan Center.
Offertory Envelopes
The 2019 Sunday Offertory Envelopes are now at the main entrance of the church. For any parishioners who have been using either Holy Trinity or St. Peter’s envelopes, a box has been prepared for you. For those who are new to the parish and using PAD, if you would like a small box of PAD envelopes, please call the office and they will also be prepared.
Reminder: These envelopes should not be used until 2019, at that time we would suggest you throw out any remaining 2018 envelopes. In many cases your envelope number will be changing for next year.
Mass Change
After the bulletin was published there was a change in our Mass schedule for the coming week. There will be Mass on Wednesday, December 5, at 9am, and on Thursday, December 6, and 12 noon. We would like to thank Fr. Peter Stephen who will be celebrating all weekday Masses for us this week.
Our thanks to the Martha Guild and all who volunteered and/or attended the Bingo on Wednesday night. The amount of $913.17 was raised and will be used for ongoing parish maintenance.