Bake Sale

Thanks to everyone who donated baked goods and/or supported the Bake Sale through their purchases. Through the hard work of the Martha Guild, $874.70 was raised and will be used toward the upkeep of our parish.

649 Draw

This is the last weekend to enter our next 649 game that begins on December 8. This is a fun game of chance and we ask you to consider joining us. For more information, see one of the 649 representatives who will be in the church this weekend.

Christmas Baskets

At our Christmas Basket registrations this past week, the number of applicants more than DOUBLED from previous years. This is primarily due to the fact that Holy Trinity and St. Peter’s are closed, and another church in the North End is not able to assist people this Christmas. It becomes a larger problem when, in addition to double the number of applicants, the amount of donations that we have received so far towards Christmas Baskets is currently about HALF of what we received last year.

At this point, we have stopped taking further applications, something we’ve never had to do so before so early in the year. We are also faced with the prospect of having to dramatically reduce the assistance that each family receives.

If you are in the position to help, please consider making a donation using one of the pink “Christmas Dinner” envelopes located at all entrances of the church. We thank you in advance for any help that you can provide.

Christmas Dinner Donations

Once again it is time to think of those needing help with Christmas dinners. For the past couple of years we have supplied them with Gift Certificates, rather than packing grocery hampers.

This appears to be a popular move as these families were able to buy the food items they preferred. We have placed pink envelopes clearly marked “Christmas Dinners For Needy Families” on the tables at all entrances. We encourage you to use one of these special pink envelopes when you make your donation. Last year we served 89 families and this year we expect there will be more.

If possible, we would like to have all donations in by the first week in December so we can estimate the number of families we will be serving.

Offertory Envelopes

The 2019 Sunday Offertory Envelopes are being prepared. For any parishioners who have been using either Holy Trinity or St. Peter’s envelopes, there will be a box prepared for you. For those of you who are on PAD, if you would like a small box of PAD envelopes, please call the office and they will also be prepared. Reminder: these envelopes should not be used until 2019.

Bake Sale

Stock up on home cooking for the Christmas season!

If you would like to donate some home cooking, it would certainly be appreciated. Baked goods can be dropped off to the parish kitchen before any Mass on the weekend.