You are invited to bring in non-perishable items for the North End Food Bank. These may be brought to Mass and left on or near the tables at all entrances.
Category: Announcements
Christmas Basket Registrations
Please note:
Parish Office
The parish office will be closed on Monday, November 12.
Friday Night Cards
The next Friday Night Auction 45s Card Party is tonight, November 9, 7:30pm. Cost: $3/person. Games are held on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Everyone is welcome.
Youth Group
The youth group will meet in the basement of the church on Sunday, November 11, 6pm – 8pm. All High School aged youth are welcome. Bring a friend.
Sunday Envelopes
Sunday offertory envelopes for 2019 will be prepared within the next few weeks. If you have had a change of address, it would be appreciated if you would call the office (653-6830) and let us know.
Latin Mass
Join us for First Saturday Latin Mass at Holy Redeemer Parish.
A meeting for the three CWL councils from the former Holy Trinity, St. Pius X and St. Peter’s parishes will be held on Monday, November 19, 2pm, in the Holy Redeemer parish hall. All members welcome to attend.
Remembrance Book
Our Remembrance Book will be located beside the Tabernacle during the month of November.
Friday Night Cards
The next Friday Night Auction 45s Card Party is tomorrow, October 26, 7:30pm. Cost: $3/person. Games are held on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Everyone is welcome.