Join us tomorrow our annual Fun Day!
Category: Announcements
Confirmation Meeting
A meeting will be held in the Parish Hall for parents, sponsors and Confirmation candidates on Sunday, October 21 during regular class time, 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Please bring a recent photo (no bigger than 5 x 7) of the student who is asking to be Confirmed in their Roman Catholic faith.
A meeting for the three CWL councils from the former Holy Trinity, St. Pius X and St. Peter’s parishes will be held today, Monday, October 15, 2pm, in the Holy Redeemer parish hall. All members welcome to attend.
Friday Night Cards
The next Friday Night Auction 45s Card Party is tonight, October 12, 7:30pm. Cost: $3/person. Games are held on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Everyone is welcome.
Jubilee 649 Draw
We thank all participants and workers for taking part in our Jubilee 649 Draw which began on October 6. We welcome all first time players and wish all participants good luck. We would also like to thank the 649 Committee for donating $3,151, enabling the parish to pay Legacy Masonry for the recent work completed on the upper front of the church.
Bingo Thank You
Thanks to our players and workers for our successful Bingo game held at Holy Redeemer in September. $1,311.69 was raised and will be used for various needs in the parish.
Quilting & Knitting Group
This group meets in the parish hall every Wednesday, 10am – 2pm. If you are interested, please join them and introduce yourself. If you have a project you’re working on, bring it along. They provide their own lunch and have a hot beverage during the lunch hour.
Prayer Meeting
A Prayer Meeting is held in the Holy Redeemer parish hall every Thursday at 7pm.
Latin Mass
Fr. Peter Melanson will be celebrating First Saturday Latin Mass tomorrow, Saturday, October 6, 10am at Holy Redeemer Parish.
Ministry Schedules
Schedules for Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors (Lector schedule has been revised) for October, November & December are now available in the vestry. Please pick up your schedule at your earliest convenience.