Tax Receipts

All 2020 tax receipts were mailed out earlier this week. If you have not received yours, it should arrive early next week. For those who donated via Canada Helps, please remember that they issue the tax receipts for your donations, so they will not be included in the tax receipt that you receive from the parish. We thank everyone for their generosity over the past year.

Red Level Changes

Because the Saint John region has been moved back into the Red COVID level, the following changes will be taking place at Holy Redeemer:

Parishioners will not be able to attend Mass in person. Msgr. Henneberry will be celebrating a Mass in the church which will be available online by 9:00 am on Sunday morning.

Msgr. Henneberry will be distributing Communion in the side parking lot at the usual times – Saturday at 4:45 pm and Sunday at 11:45 am. Parishioners are reminded to stay in their cars at all times as Msgr. will go to each vehicle individually.

Msgr. Henneberry will be available to hear Confessions from his car from 3:00 – 3:30 pm on Saturday in the side parking lot.