Daily Mass, Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Category: Mass
Mass, Tuesday, 12/21/21
Daily Mass, Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Mass, Monday, 12/20/21
Daily Mass, Monday, December 20, 2021
Mass – Sunday, December 19
Mass at St. Pius X Church / Holy Redeemer Parish on Sunday, December 19, 2021.
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Prayers Of The Faithful – December 19
For Pope Francis who shows us how he recognizes Christ in his meetings with the poor and refugees, disabled and challenged, prisoners and orphans, just as Elizabeth and Mary did at the moment of visitation.
We pray to the Lord.
For Bishop Christian as he leads us to encounter and reencounter Jesus in the Eucharist and to bring Jesus to people searching for meaning, healing and hope in their lives and in the world.
We pray to the Lord.
For the many millions who are homeless throughout the world because of war and persecution and storms and natural disasters and for people who work tirelessly on their behalf.
We pray to the Lord.
For expectant mothers who are frightened and confused and pressured to end their pregnancy and the life within them.
We pray to the Lord.
For common sense and good judgement by everyone in the face of a new wave of pandemic infections and regulations.
We pray to the Lord.
For each person who has asked for our prayers and for anyone who is alone and feeling afraid or discouraged.
We pray to the Lord.
For the faithful departed: Donna Lewell, Brian Wasson, Doreen Mulholland, Sharon Hayward, Leo Long, Pat Boulanger, Leo Frigault, Henry Walker; and for each person mourning the death of someone they love.
We pray to the Lord.
Mass, Saturday, 12/18/21
Daily Mass, Saturday, December 18, 2021
Mass, Friday, 12/17/21
Daily Mass, Friday, December 17, 2021
Mass, Thursday, 12/16/21
Daily Mass, Thursday, December 16, 2021
Mass, Wednesday, 12/15/21
Daily Mass, Wednesday, December 15, 2021