CWL Dues

The deadline for CWL members to pay their dues of $32 for next year is December 31, 2024. Members may place their dues in the church offertory collection in an envelope marked with both “CWL” and the member’s full name on the front of the envelope. Alternatively, members may pay their dues at the CWL Christmas Party.

CWL Cookie Walk

The CWL will be holding its annual Cookie Walk this weekend on Saturday, November 23, and Sunday, November 24, after all Masses in the parish hall. Fill your bag with a variety of delicious cookies for only $8. They will also have some frozen homemade apple and pumpkin pies for sale for $12 each. The wheelchair lift will be available after all Masses if you require assistance.

Homemade cookie donations can be dropped off in the hall before all weekend Masses.

Holy Redeemer CWL Cookie Walk
Only $8 per bag
After all Masses November 23 & 24


Join us for Mass this weekend.
Join us in person at 4 pm on Saturday, 9 am & 11 am on Sunday.
Mass is available here on our website and on our YouTube and Facebook pages at any time of the day on Sunday.

Join us for Mass