Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful

A Mari Usque Ad Mare” is the motto of our beloved Canada. It is translated as “From Sea to Sea” and was taken from verse 8 of Psalm 72. The Psalm verse gives a much larger context and something of the mind of those who chose it. The full verse says that “He shall have Dominion from sea even unto shining sea”. It reminds us that we did not create or make it but are only stewards of the land. We can use and develop it for the benefit of all. It also suggests that justice and mercy and protection for the weak and most vulnerable that characterize God’s kingdom should also be the hallmarks of our society.

The words of the motto are heard today in the first reading and look to a future time when peace will rule over all the land. It is obvious that not all of these things have become established realities in our country. Indeed, some people have been treated very badly. Human attempts to reconcile these things seem to consist of taking a perceived “entitlement” from some and giving it to others.

Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take MY yoke upon you and learn from ME.”. And all of this He offers to those who can simplify their own lives, in imitation of Him, rather than choosing to complicate the lives of others.