Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful

The Corona virus continues to devastate individuals and countries around the world. No one really knows when it will end or what the final toll will be on human life and world economies. But we do know that in our own province of New Brunswick and our relatively small country of Canada we have made a lot of progress in combating the virus and its effects. Government programs and delivery of essential services have made a difference. That is because these have enabled, and cared for, individuals and families who have responded to the challenge. A spirit of sacrifice and compassion and attitudes of faith and hope have made difficult choices possible.

In the gospel today Jesus gives us three parables. The story of the mustard seed reminds us that no one is unimportant or insignificant when it comes to faith and building the kingdom of God. The story of the yeast and the bread reassures us that our own individual efforts, united with others, can spread everywhere and have a powerful effect in the world. And the first parable teaches us that nothing can be changed by worrying and that, ultimately, the future is best left to God’s loving Providence.

Of course the parables teach much more than that. But for today it is good to know that every person is necessary and valued in building God’s kingdom. It is good to know that even our small efforts and prayers and sacrifices, united with those of others, can bring about change in the world. And it is wonderful to know that God is still in charge and still loves us!