Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful – January 17

In 1989 Bishop Troy encouraged his priests to renew the tradition of preaching on the Sacrament of Matrimony on the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings on this second Sunday speak to us of the call of a prophet, the call of the first disciples and a call to physical integrity.                                              

People who have been called together in the grace of marriage offer a much needed witness to each of today’s readings as we face the challenges of our modern world and its current circumstances.                                                                     

The larger story in the Scriptures reminds us that it was not an easy path for the prophets and many stumbled along the way.  Peter, and his brother Andrew were far from perfect and their spiritual descendants (the Churches of the East and West) experienced a long estrangement of nearly a thousand years! For many of the biblical heroes physical integrity was not achieved in an instant!                                                                                     

In today’s world married couples try to witness to God’s forgiveness through their willingness to forgive each other and sacrifice for each other. They call each other to holiness in a way that is prophetic for the world. And that they do so in a world that does not often respect their commitment they are heroic and show us how to be humble before God.