Prayers Of The Faithful – June 4

For Pope Francis as he begins a new initiative in the church to support family life and promoting a culture of family and life.
We pray to the Lord.

For the people and families most affected by wildfires in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and throughout Canada and for the relief workers, aid workers and firefighters.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian and our Diocesan family as we renew our faith in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit on this Trinity Sunday.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor and homeless in our community and for the many who work to provide food, shelter and safe spaces.
We pray to the Lord.

For parents who faithfully raise and teach their children while challenges to their rights and authority arise.
We pray to the Lord.

For any who are sick and for all caregivers.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Patricia Hanlon, Raymond Myers, Sister Mary Ellen Boyce, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd (Halifax/Toronto); that they will be embraced by the Communion of Love that is the Holy Trinity.
We pray to the Lord.