Jubilee Pilgrimage

The following are a few notes from the organizers of this weekend’s pilgrimage to the Cathedral –

A reminder that your Pilgrimage Day to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is this coming Saturday, March 1. Doors open at 9:30 am, and the day begins at 10:00 am. The Jubilee year is a Holy Year, offering a special opportunity to experience Christ’s healing, mercy, renewal, freedom, life, and joy. We encourage all parishioners to attend this chance for spiritual renewal and blessings.

Altar Servers – Although this is a late request we invite altar servers from pilgrim parishes to serve at the Pilgrimage Mass. Please contact Natasha Mazerolle at nmazerolle@dioceseofsaintjohn.org if interested. Servers are encouraged to bring their own albs due to limited and varying sizes at the Cathedral.

Zoom Link for Shut-Ins – For those unable to attend in person due to being homebound, a private Zoom link will be available for the opening talk at 10:00 am and the Pilgrimage Mass at 12:10 pm. Parishioners can request the link by emailing nmazerolle@dioceseofsaintjohn.org.