Sunday Missals

2021-2022 Sunday Missals are now available for purchase through the parish office. The cost remains at $5 per copy. To reserve your copy, please email the parish office ( to arrange a time for pick up. If you know someone without internet access who uses an annual missal, please encourage them to call the parish office (653-6830). Once our initial order is gone, we will not be bringing in additional copies.

If you choose to pay for your missal via e-Transfer (use as the email) we can arrange to have your missal available for pick up in the church before weekend Masses. Note: We would have to receive your order and e-Transfer by Thursday (November 18) in order to have them ready for you this weekend.

Prayers Of The Faithful – November 14

For Pope Francis, on this Day of the Poor, as he encourages the whole Church to be a sign of Christ’s charity for the poor.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian who will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with our precious children and grandchildren on Wednesday of this week.
We pray to the Lord.

For each Confirmation candidate we will present to the Bishop that their faith will always strengthen them and give them joy.
We pray to the Lord.

For Christians persecuted for their faith, especially young Catholic girls in Pakistan, as the Church prays for them on “Red Wednesday” this week.
We pray to the Lord.

For just settlements for workers and for those looking for work.
We pray to the Lord.

For people who are sick at home or in hospital and for each person who has asked for our prayers, especially the lonely.
We pray to the Lord.

For the faithful departed, especially those named in our Book of Remembrance, for those who have no one to pray for them, and for those who have died recently: Fr. Vincent Donovan, William Bastarache, Geraldine Logan, Susan Barsalou, John B. Doiron, Joe Cullinan, Walter Breen, Dermot O’Toole, Francis (Bud) Clarke, Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial; that they will be welcomed into the fullness of the joy of heaven.
We pray to the Lord.

Christmas Dinners

UPDATE: If it is more convenient, you may also e-Transfer your donation. Please use as the email address.

Once again this year we will not be taking applications for Christmas Dinners due to COVID-19.

However, we will be accepting donations to help with dinners. All monies received will be passed on to the Christmas Exchange, and you will be credited for income tax purposes by us. The Exchange will distribute these funds to the organizations that can physically meet with applicants in our area who need help. 

We are late starting this year, so we encourage you to make your donations as soon as possible. We would like to pass along donations early in November so that the Christmas Exchange can determine just how many families will benefit.

Please place donations in an envelope marked Christmas Dinners, and make any cheques payable to Holy Redeemer. Thank you for your help.