Prayers Of The Faithful – November 7

For Pope Francis, Bishop Christian and all the Bishops as they encourage the whole Church and all her lay faithful to participate in the listening phase of the Synod of Bishops.
We pray to the Lord.

For nations and their leaders as we observe Remembrance Day and recall all who made the supreme sacrifice so that others could live in freedom.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor of the world, that leaders may work to make sure that the poor and children have food, housing, freedom from religious persecution and everything they need.
We pray to the Lord.

For wealthy nations and people with abundance, that they will understand that when they have God in their lives they have everything that they need.
We pray to the Lord.

For our children and grandchildren who will be anointed by Bishop Christian in the Sacrament of Confirmation this month.
We pray to the Lord.

For people who have asked us to pray for them and for people in need of prayer at this moment.
We pray to the Lord.

For the Faithful Departed written in our Book of Remembrance and for our friends and parishioners who have recently died: Barbara Thorne, Holly McFate, Donald Hachey, Brian Cunningham, Leandre Savoie (father of Rev. Don Savoie), Lillian McDermott, Shirley Doiron, Leon Hebert, Clara Hobbs, Patricia Sheils; that God will welcome them into His presence.
We pray to the Lord.

Christmas Dinners

Once again this year we will not be taking applications for Christmas Dinners due to COVID-19.

However, we will be accepting donations to help with dinners. All monies received will be passed on to the Christmas Exchange, and you will be credited for income tax purposes by us. The Exchange will distribute these funds to the organizations that can physically meet with applicants in our area who need help. 

We are late starting this year, so we encourage you to make your donations as soon as possible. We would like to pass along donations early in November so that the Christmas Exchange can determine just how many families will benefit.

Please place donations in an envelope marked Christmas Dinners, and make any cheques payable to Holy Redeemer. Thank you for your help.

Remembrance Book

Reminder: Due to COVID you will not be able to write the names of your deceased family members and friends in our Remembrance Book. We are using all of the previously added names to fill this year’s book. If you would like to add someone who has died since last November, you can email us at and we will add them to the list. The book will be placed on the altar and will be handled only by Msgr. Henneberry.