Cereal Drive

FINAL WEEKEND: Our Daily Bread Cereal Drive (In Memory of Maggie Nugent) concludes this Sunday, February 26. This cereal will assist the breakfast program at St. Francis-Hazen White School. Cereal may be brought in at all Masses this weekend and left near the Baptism font at the front of the church. The cereal will be delivered to the school on Monday, February 27. The students are always grateful for your ongoing support.

Parish Video Series

You can still join Deacon Stephen as he leads a 7-week video series called The Search, an engaging video series that asks questions about life and faith. Following the video there will be small group discussion.

We gather on Sunday evenings from 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm in the basement of Holy Redeemer Parish. Note: please use the entrance on the parking lot side of the church.

Parish Video Series

Reminder: Due to the storm last weekend, this series begins tomorrow evening.

Deacon Stephen will lead a 7-week video series called The Search, an engaging video series that asks questions about life and faith. Following the video there will be small group discussion.

We’ll gather Sunday evenings from 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm (January 22 – March 5) in the basement of Holy Redeemer Parish. Note: please use the entrance on the parking lot side of the church.

Parish Video Series

Deacon Stephen will lead a 7-week video series called The Search, an engaging video series that asks questions about life and faith. Following the video there will be small group discussion. 

We’ll gather Sunday evenings from 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm (January 15 – February 26) in the basement of Holy Redeemer Parish. Note: please use the entrance on the parking lot side of the church.

Notice Of Death

We are saddened to inform you of the death of Rev. Dr. Brian Hansen, the most senior priest of the Diocese of Saint John.

Visitation will be held from 2 pm – 4 pm, on Wednesday, January 11, at the Cathedral rectory, with Solemn Vespers in the Cathedral on Wednesday evening at 7 pm. Fr. Hansen’s funeral will be celebrated at the Cathedral on Thursday, January 12, at 10 am. Please keep Fr. Hansen and his family in your prayers.

Fr. Hansen’s Obituary can be found here.