Easter Flowers

Donations towards Easter Flowers in memory of loved ones may be placed in an envelope and dropped in the offertory until Sunday, April 2. Please put your name and envelope number, together with the name(s) of those being remembered, on the outside of the envelope. Your loved ones will be prayed for at the Easter Vigil, and remembered at all Masses during the Easter season.

If you aren’t attending Mass in person, you can also make your donation via e-Transfer using stpiusx@nb.aibn.com as the contact. Please add the names of your loved ones in the message field.


Msgr. Brian Henneberry, on behalf of the parishioners and staff of Holy Redeemer Parish / St. Pius X Church, wishes to congratulate Deacon Stephen Mawhinney and Deacon David Rioux on their upcoming ordination to the Priesthood on May 12 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Stations of the Cross

On Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm during Lent, Deacon Stephen will lead the Stations of the Cross. The Stations allow us to draw closer to Christ in His passion and to join our suffering with His. Please enter the church through the parking lot entrance or ramp entrance.