Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule

Margie Clifford has stepped away from preparing the Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule for our weekend Masses. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Margie for her dedication preparing the schedule for so many years.

Since Stephen Mawhinney will soon be a deacon, he will be assisting Msgr. Henneberry with the distribution of Communion at all Masses. As a result, we will only need to schedule one Eucharistic Minister for each of the weekend Masses. Hopefully this gives you, our overworked volunteers, a bit of a break.

We will be preparing the October – December Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule (excluding Christmas/New Year’s) shortly. If you know that you will be unavailable at any point during those months, please contact the parish office (653-6830 or by Monday, September 12, so that we can adjust the schedule accordingly.

Help Wanted

We’d like to thank the volunteers who have come forward to assist at the 9 am Mass on Sunday mornings. We could still use more help at all three weekend Masses and with funerals.

Volunteers are needed for the following ministries:

Eucharistic Ministers
Funeral Team

If you are able to assist in any of the above ministries,
please contact the parish office: 653-6830 or