Cereal Drive

Reminder: We invite you to contribute to the Our Daily Bread Cereal Drive in memory of Maggie Nugent, one of our former Religious Education students. Contributions assist the breakfast program at St. Francis-Hazen White School. Cereal can be brought with you to Mass until this Sunday, February 27, and left near the Baptism font at the front of the church. The students have always been grateful for your very generous response over the years.

Cereal Drive

Reminder: We invite you to contribute to the Our Daily Bread Cereal Drive in memory of Maggie Nugent, one of our former Religious Education students. Contributions assist the breakfast program at St. Francis-Hazen White School. Cereal can be brought with you to Mass until Sunday, February 27, and left near the Baptism font at the front of the church. The students have always been grateful for your very generous response over the years.

Novena Cancellation

Due to a possible COVID exposure, Mass & Novena are cancelled for today, Tuesday, February 15. If you know someone who attends the Novena, and who may not see this online, please let them know. We apologize for any inconvenience.

UPDATE: To clarify, the potential COVID exposure happened on Monday, nobody who attended Mass this weekend should be concerned.

Cereal Drive

We invite you to contribute to the Our Daily Bread Cereal Drive in memory of Maggie Nugent, one of our former Religious Education students. Contributions assist the breakfast program at St. Francis-Hazen White School. Cereal can be brought with you to Mass until Sunday, February 27, and left near the Baptism font at the front of the church. The students have always been grateful for your very generous response over the years.