Remember to “fall back”.

Remember to “fall back”.
2022 – 2023 Sunday Missals will be available for purchase before and after all three weekend Masses at the parking lot entrance of the church. The cost is $5 each.
We are saddened to inform you of the death of Fr. William Fitzgerald, C.Ss.R., the former rector of St. Peter’s Parish from 1984 – 1992. Father Bill died in Toronto where he had been residing with his Redemptorist community for several years. Father Bill will be buried in Toronto with his community. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Fr. Fitzgerald’s Obituary can be found here.
Religious Education classes begin Sunday, October 16.
Reminder: Registration for all grades (1-9), will be held immediately after Mass in the parish hall on Saturday, October 1 & Sunday, October 2
Classes for Grades 1-7 will be held from 9:50 am-10:50 am on Sunday mornings. Classes for Grade 9 (Confirmation) will be held Sunday evenings from 6:30 pm-7:30 p.m. Please note the time change for Grades 6 & 7
Grade 8 will be a Youth Alpha class, time to be determined. This is the first of a 2-year Confirmation preparation course.
We are still in need of volunteer catechists for Grades 3-7. Please call Bunny Keleher (693-9869) if you can say “YES” in helping our young people on their faith journey.
Reminder: Msgr. Henneberry is now celebrating a 9 am Mass every Thursday morning.
Religious Education classes begin Sunday, October 16.
Registration for all grades (1-9), will be held immediately after Mass in the parish hall on:
Sunday, September 25
Saturday, October 1
Sunday, October 2
Classes for Grades 1-5 will be held from 9:50 am-10:50 am on Sunday mornings. Classes for Grades 6, 7 & 9 (Confirmation) will be held Sunday evenings from 6:30 pm-7:30 p.m.
Grade 8 will be a Youth Alpha online class, time to be determined. This is the first of a 2-year Confirmation preparation course.
We are still in need of volunteer catechists for Grades 3-7. Please call the office (653-6830) or Bunny Keleher (693-9869) if you can say “YES” in helping our young people on their faith journey.
Eucharistic Ministers’ schedules for the months of October – December will be available for pickup in the vestry beginning this weekend. We encourage all Eucharistic Ministers to pick up their schedules as soon as possible.
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for September 12-18.
Reminder: We will be preparing the October – December Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule (excluding Christmas/New Year’s) shortly. If you know that you will be unavailable at any point during those months, please contact the parish office (653-6830 or by the end of today, Monday, September 12, so that we can adjust the schedule accordingly.