Join us for online Mass every Sunday. Mass is available here on our website and on our YouTube and Facebook pages at any time of the day.

We would like to invite you to a special Mass, on Wednesday, May 18, 7 pm, at St. Pius X church/Holy Redeemer Parish. During the Mass Bishop Riesbeck will admit Stephen Mawhinney as a candidate for the diaconate and the priesthood and will give him the ministries of lectorate and acolyte. All are welcome to attend.
This year, Fr. Peter Stephen will celebrate his annual Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour in Fredericton. However, he has asked us to make his Holy Hour from last year available online for those who can not join him in person. This streaming hour of Adoration will be available online at any time after 1 pm here on our website, our Facebook page, and on our YouTube channel.
Here is our Easter schedule at St. Pius X Church/Holy Redeemer Parish.
Donations in memory of loved ones may be placed in an envelope and dropped in the offertory until Sunday, April 10. Please put your name and envelope number, together with the name(s) of those being remembered, on the outside of the envelope. Your loved ones will be prayed for at the Easter Vigil, and remembered at all Masses during the Easter season.
If you aren’t attending Mass in person, you can also make your donation via e-Transfer using as the contact. Please add the names of your loved ones in the message field.
You are invited to attend Mass celebrated by Bishop Riesbeck for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on Saturday, March 19, 9 am, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. March 19 is also the 8th anniversary of Bishop Riesbeck’s ordination as a Bishop. Mass will also be available online (
Reminder: Msgr. Henneberry will be celebrating an additional weekday Mass during Lent. Beginning tomorrow, March 9, Mass will be celebrated at 9 am every Wednesday morning until Easter.
Msgr. Henneberry will be adding an additional weekday Mass during Lent. Beginning on March 9, Mass will be celebrated at 9 am every Wednesday morning until Easter.