As the province is moving to Alert Level 2 on Friday evening, in-person Masses and Confessions will resume at their regular times this weekend.
Category: Announcements
Virtual Holy Hour
Bishop Riesbeck will be hosting a virtual Holy Hour this afternoon at 2 pm, where he invites you to pray for peace in Ukraine. You can go to the Diocesan Facebook page to participate.
Mass, Communion & Confessions
There will be no in-person Masses again this weekend. We encourage you to watch our Mass online, which will be available on YouTube and Facebook on Sunday morning.
Communion will be distributed at 4:45 pm on Saturday and again on Sunday at 11:00 am. Please park your car in the side parking lot facing the door. Stephen will be at the door and will escort a single family at a time into the church where they will receive Communion. As one family exits the church, another will be permitted to enter. If you or another member of your family is unable to use the stairs, Msgr. Henneberry will come out to your car to distribute Communion.
Msgr. Henneberry will hear confessions on Saturday, 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm, in the side parking lot from his car.
Synod Discussion

If you would be interested in participating in an online discussion, conducted over Zoom, about the current Synod, please email no later than Tuesday, January 25, 12 noon. Once we determine interest, we will try to arrange a time that works best for everyone.
You are also still welcome to fill out the Synod survey on the Diocese of Saint John’s website:
Msgr. Henneberry will hear Confessions from his car in the side parking lot on Tuesday, January 18, 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm.
Level 3
With the province moving to COVID Level 3 tomorrow night, there will be no in-person Masses for the next 3 weekends. We encourage you to watch our Mass online, which will be available on YouTube and Facebook on Sunday morning. Msgr. Henneberry will distribute Communion in the parking lot on Saturday at 4:45 pm and again on Sunday at 11:00 am. He will also hear confessions on Saturday, 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm, in the parking lot from his car.
Eucharistic Ministers

We need additional Eucharistic Ministers at all weekend Masses to assist Msgr. Henneberry with the distribution of Holy Communion. If you would be interested in this ministry, please call (653-6830) or email the parish office.

We invite you to attend Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday evening from 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm. Mass & Novena follow at 5:30 pm.
Office Hours
The parish office will be closed until Tuesday, January 4.
Holy Trinity Ornament

We just found a few of these. These were produced by Aitkens Pewter and make a great last-minute stocking stuffer. Call the parish office (653-6830) to arrange pick up. $20 each.