COVID Update

As the COVID situation continues to evolve, here is an update surrounding Masses this weekend at Holy Redeemer:
1. Masks will be required for everyone over the age of 2 who does not have a medical exemption.
2. Proof of vaccination will not be required.
3. The vaccine survey planned for this weekend will not be taking place.
4. While there will be no pew markers in place in the church this weekend, we ask that you please sit in every second pew.

Religious Education

COVID-19 has played havoc with our Religious Education program. Currently, we have no teachers for grades 2, 5, 6, 7 and the new 2-year Confirmation program. We need parents and grandparents to consider volunteering as teachers/teaching assistants before we can start classes. Please call the office (653-6830) if you can help. Thank You.