Join us for online Mass at 9 am every Sunday. Mass will continue to be available throughout the day here on our website and on our YouTube and Facebook pages.
We realize that not everybody is back attending Mass in person just yet. So we want to remind you that you can still donate to our annual Christmas Basket fundraiser without having to drop off your contribution in person.
You can donate via e-transfer: use stpiusx@nb.aibn.com as the email address. Remember to put “Christmas Baskets” in as the message.
You can also mail us your contribution:
Holy Redeemer
PO Box 141 STN Main
Saint John, NB E2L 3X8
We thank you in advance for helping to assist those in need this Christmas.
A Memorial Mass will be celebrated for the loss of life due to a miscarriage or stillbirth on Tuesday, November 3, 7 pm, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Celebrant: Bishop Christian Risebeck. To ensure there is enough space, pre-registration is required by emailing the Cathedral (cic@nb.aibn.com).
Bishop Riesbeck will be celebrating a Requiem Mass for the victims of COVID-19 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Monday, November 2, 7 pm. To ensure there is enough space with proper distancing for those who wish to attend, pre-registration is required by emailing the Cathedral (cic@nb.aibn.com). Please wear face coverings. Please continue to pray for all of those affected by the pandemic and in particular those who have lost their lives.
Last weekend we raised $1,530.00 towards our annual Christmas Basket collection.
Please enclose your donations in an envelope marked “Christmas Baskets” and place them in the collection. Please remember to include your name or envelope number on the envelope.
Holy Redeemer will send all of the donations we receive to the Christmas Exchange, who will distribute the funds among the few agencies able to take applications this year.
If you missed our announcement regarding Christmas Baskets, it is available HERE.
The Province has announced that masks are now mandatory. As a result, you will be required to wear a mask in order to attend Masses this weekend at St. Pius X Church/Holy Redeemer Parish.
This weekend we begin our annual Christmas Basket collection.
Please enclose your donations in an envelope marked “Christmas Baskets” and place them in the collection. Please remember to include your name or envelope number on the envelope.
Holy Redeemer will send all of the donations we receive to the Christmas Exchange, who will distribute the funds among the few agencies able to take applications this year.
If you missed our announcement regarding Christmas Baskets, it is available HERE.
PLEASE NOTE – due to COVID we will not be accepting applications this year for Christmas Dinners.
We will be accepting donations to help with Dinners – all monies received will be passed on to the Christmas Exchange, and you will be credited for Income Tax purposes by us. The Christmas Exchange, in turn, will distribute these monies to the very few organizations which are willing and able to physically meet with applicants needing help in our area. We would appreciate receiving donations beginning the weekend of October 3/4 – we will have to send our cheque to the Exchange by November 1 as they have to coordinate just how far the money will go.
Please keep in mind there are a lot of families who no longer have jobs due to COVID and we appreciate whatever help we will receive through your donations; through the efforts of the Christmas Exchange and through other organizations handling the many, many families who will be applying.
Anyone who has ever worked with us during this Christmas Dinner season can understand IT IS NOT SAFE for this sort of interaction. Others who have been in the church hall to see how many people are involved and how difficult (sometimes impossible) it is to practice social distancing will also comprehend our reluctance to do something endangering our own health and the health of everyone in attendance.
It saddens us to make this announcement! In years past it has been the ‘beginning’ of our Christmas season and it was always a joyful time of helping those in need. But, unfortunately this is a whole new world we’re living in and ‘staying safe’ is the way we have to go. Please God, by this time next year, we’ll be able to take applications and share with those who need our help.