Join us for online Mass at 9 am every Sunday. Mass will continue to be available throughout the day here on our website and on our YouTube and Facebook pages.
The Tuesday night Mass & Novena will resume on July 14 at 5:30 pm.
As with our weekend Masses, you MUST register to attend. Provincial law requires us to keep track of those in attendance.
The registration for the Tuesday Novena is SEPARATE from our weekend Mass registration. You will have to register again to attend the Novena.
As with weekend Mass, attendance is limited. We will be using the same lottery and invitation system that is in effect for weekend Masses.
Those selected to attend Tuesday Novena will receive an invitation the day before.
If you wish to attend, please fill out the form linked below. If you know someone without internet access who would like to attend the Novena, please encourage them to call the parish office (653-6830). Please DO NOT register for anyone other than those in your immediate household.
The Bad News: The weekly online Novena has been discontinued due to a decreasing number of viewers.
The Good News: Our Sunday Mass will continue to be available online each weekend.
The Even Better News: Beginning next week you will be able to attend the Novena in person again. More details will be announced tomorrow.
There will be no online Novena today, Tuesday, July 7. However, Msgr. Henneberry will hear confessions from 5:00 – 5:30 pm. Please use the front entrance.
Since we are required by law to have an accurate list of who is attending each Mass, Ushers and Lectors will be scheduled through the parish office for the time being.
Usher and Lector schedules will now be prepared on a week to week basis. Those serving in ministries will be contacted via email based on the Mass that they have registered to attend. All previously circulated schedules are no longer in effect.
Reminder: There will be no Confession today, Tuesday, June 30.
Clergy Assignments
Diocese of Saint John
June 29, 2020
The Most Reverend Christian Riesbeck, CC, Bishop of Saint John, announces the following clergy assignments effective August 1, 2020 unless otherwise noted. Those priests who have been appointed Pastors will be dispensed from the requirement of Canon 527 that they be placed into canonical possession of their parishes and will automatically become Pastor on August 1, 2020. At a later date, Bishop Riesbeck will come to each parish to celebrate a Mass of Installation for the new pastors.
Rev. Martin Arputham, HGN, is appointed Pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish (Woodstock, Canterbury, and Nackawic).
Rev. Daniel Bastarache is appointed Pastor of Good Shepherd Parish (Blackville, Boiestown, Doaktown, Howard, and Renous).
Rev. John Beaumaster is on a leave of absence for health reasons.
Rev. William Brennan is appointed Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Parish (Fredericton South, New Maryland, and Fredericton Junction).
Rev. Aloo Peter Chimaobi, SMMM, is appointed Associate Pastor of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish (Miramichi West, Burnt Church First Nation, Bartibog Bridge, and Eel Ground First Nation).
Rev. Maria Arokiam Chinnappan, HGN, is appointed Pastor of Our Lady of Peace Parish (Fredericton North, and Stanley).
Rev. Godwin Kalu, SMMM, is appointed Pastor of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish (Miramichi West, Burnt Church First Nation, Bartibog Bridge, and Eel Ground First Nation).
Rev. Peter Osborne is appointed Associate Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Parish (Fredericton South, New Maryland, and Fredericton Junction).
Rev. Antonio Reyes is appointed Associate Pastor of St. Mark’s Parish (Quispamsis). He will work with Rev. Owen Burns, Pastor and Episcopal Vicar for Evangelization and Parish Renewal.
Rev. Rodrigo Tabilona will be returning to his home Archdiocese of Jaro, the Philippines. We would like to thank Father Tabilona for his service to our diocese.
Mr. David Rioux is appointed to a seminarian internship year in Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish (Saint John East, and St. Martin’s).