Fr. Melanson is waiting on word from the province regarding Mass attendance limits before deciding whether the Saturday, June 6, Latin Mass proceeds as scheduled. We will make an announcement as soon as possible. However, that may not be until Thursday or Friday.
Category: Announcements
Mass Attendance Requests
Not every parishioner who wants to be put on our Mass attendance list will be able to use our online form. If you know someone who does not have internet access, we ask that you to let them know that they may call the parish office (653-6830) to participate in the draw. We continue to encourage everyone who does have the internet to please apply online.
Please note that there will be no Confession on Tuesday, June 2.
Communion Distribution
Even if you can’t attend Mass this weekend, you can still receive Communion.

Mass Attendance Cancellations
The VAST MAJORITY of people who were invited to attend Mass this weekend at Holy Redeemer have had those invitations cancelled. Despite us sending out the cancellation email twice, we are still receiving questions from parishioners who should have received an email from us.
Those who applied online, and who are STILL ABLE TO ATTEND, will be receiving a confirmation email from us. If you don’t receive the confirmation email, unfortunately, you will not be able to attend.
If you didn’t receive either email, please check your spam folder.
Mass Attendance Cancellations
FYI – Those who have been removed from the Mass attendance list for this weekend will have heard from us by now.
Those who received an invitation to Mass from us on Wednesday, and didn’t have it cancelled today, can still attend Mass.
Questions? You can email us ( if you have any concerns. Unfortunately, calls to the parish office won’t be returned until Monday.
Mass Attendance Stays At 10
Due to the increasing severity of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Campbellton region of the province, Premier Higgs has made the difficult decision to delay the next phase of reopening for the province. That means that we will not be able to increase to 50 people at Mass this weekend. Unfortunately that also means that many of you who received an invitation from us to attend Mass this weekend, will now have that invitation cancelled. We will reach out to those who will not be able to attend in the next several hours. While this is a disappointing development, please remember it is in the interest of keeping all of us safe.
Pentecost Sunday
With the upcoming Pentecost Sunday marking the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles 50 days after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and celebrating the beginning of the Church, the churches of the Diocese of Saint John will be allowed to re-open for Eucharist with up to 50 of our faithful.
The general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday remains in effect. Parishioners who are ill or vulnerable to illness according to public health advice, should remain at home. Masses continue to be offered online to assist in your Spiritual Communion, and you are free to inquire about pastoral visits to receive the Sacraments outside of Mass.

As Bishop Riesbeck stated in his May 22 letter to the faithful regarding the Solemnity of Pentecost, “as we gather again for Mass in our parishes, our churches will not only look different, they will be different.”
Attending Mass will require maintaining a 2 meter / 6 foot distance from any others at all times, entering and exiting the church, and while processing to receive Holy Communion.
Parishioners may wear a mask if they wish, however they are not required to do so.
Ushers will be present to direct parishioners entering and exiting the church, and to explain the Mass changes currently required.
There will be no offertory procession or collection, although a offertory basket will be available at the exit of the church. Please consider electronic donations.
Distribution of Holy Communion will take place after the final blessing, at the end of Mass, so that you may exit immediately after receiving Holy Communion. The faithful should remove any face covering and sanitize their hands before coming forward for Holy Communion.
Please contact the parish office about any questions prior to attending Mass, or you may also ask an usher at Mass for any clarifications.
Fr. Aaron Knox will hear Confessions in the church today, Tuesday, May 26, from 5:00 to 5:30 pm. Please use the front entrance. We ask that you please remember to stay at least 6 feet away from others as you wait your turn to go to Confession.
For us to expand our attendance capacity to 50, we will need to have additional ushers at each Mass. Ushers will guide parishioners to their seats and the correct exit after Mass. They will also be present to help ensure that the parish follows all of the current safety requirements. If you can assist in this area, please email us (, including your name and Mass that you normally attend. At this time ushers will not have to wear masks, however they are welcome to do so.