Lector schedules for July – September are now available in the vestry.
Category: Announcements
649 Committee
The Jubilee 649 Committee would like to congratulate the newest winner, Georgia Garnett, who received $1,640.
At their last meeting, the 649 Committee voted to end this fundraiser; which in the past 14 years has contributed over $110,000 to the needs of our Church and Parish. They would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who participated in this draw in any way.
North End Food Bank
You are invited to bring in non-perishable food items to assist the North End Food Bank. These may be brought to Mass and left on or near the tables at all entrances.
Please consider signing up for our PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) program. Church expenses continue even when you are on vacation or away for the summer, and PAD helps to ensure sufficient weekly income to cover expenses. Application forms are available at all entrances of the church, at the parish office, or you can download one here.
High School Graduates
We are looking for the names of Holy Redeemer parishioners who will be graduating from high school this year. If someone in your family is graduating, or if you know of friends who are graduating, please call the office (653-6830) and give us their name.
CWL Bursary
Attention 2019 High School Graduates: The Holy Redeemer CWL is offering one bursary in the amount of $200 for a student entering University, Community College or Business College. Please obtain applications from the parish office. Deadline to apply is June 14. For further information please contact Louise (648-9059).
Our annual Summer Blast Off Bingo will be held on Wednesday, June 26. Early Bird games begin at 6pm; regular games start at 7pm. The Jackpot is $1,000 with nine $100 games + $25 Second Chance. Tickets are only $20 and will be available at the door.

Yard Sale Thanks
Thanks to the Martha Guild for their hard work in organizing the recent Victoria Day Yard Sale/Bake Table. $1,516.22 was raised through their efforts. We would also like to thank everyone who donated items for the sale, and those who came out to support it. As always, funds raised will be used for the upkeep of the church.
The next baptisms at Holy Redeemer will be celebrated on Sunday, July 7 at 12 noon. To register, please call the office (653-6830).
K Of C Thanks
Knights of Columbus Council 6581 thank all who contributed to their wheelchair campaign last weekend. $1,365 was raised and will be used to purchase 7 wheelchairs for people in Puerto Rico.