The Knights of Columbus host a 25 Cent Bingo every Tuesday evening in the Holy Redeemer parish hall beginning at 7pm. On the third Tuesday of each month all proceeds go to the parish Building Fund.
Category: Announcements
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls all people of faith to join them in 12 Hours of Prayer for Palliative Care on any day during the week of May 5 – 11, National Hospice Palliative Care Week, as a profound witness to the sanctity of human life. All members, parishioners, family and friends are invited to join Holy Redeemer CWL in praying the rosary in your own home any time during the week. The CWL thanks you for your support and partnership in prayer and as Pope Francis reminds us, “Let us not underestimate the power of so many voices united in prayer.”
649 Draw
Our next 649 Draw starts on May 11, but your time is running out to get your name in to play.

First Communion
Join us for First Communion this Sunday morning.
Religious Education
We are pleased to announce that between the Chocolate Bar Bingo and the Silent Auction, the Religious Education program was able to raise the amount of $1,137.90. The entire amount will be given to the North End Food Bank. We are very proud of our students and teachers as they reach out to the community, with their “Maggie Nugent” cereal drive in February (for the St. Francis-Hazen White school breakfast program) and now for the North End Food Bank. Congratulations for jobs well done!
There are sign-up sheets at all entrances for those who would like to help provide sandwiches for the reception after next weekend’s First Communion.
Reminder: There will be a mini retreat held tomorrow, Saturday, April 27, 9am – 10:30am, for children in the Grade 2 religious education class who are preparing to celebrate their First Holy Communion.
Friday Night Cards
The next Holy Redeemer Auction 45s Card Party will be held tonight, Friday, April 26, 7:30pm. Cost: $3/person. Games are held on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Everyone is welcome.
CWL Banquet
The CWL Closing Banquet will be held on Saturday, April 27, beginning with 4pm Mass, followed by a Turkey Dinner prepared by the Martha Guild. Cost: $15/person. All members will be contacted.
Religious Education
The last day of Religious Education classes will be this Sunday, April 28.