Youth Rally

The diocese is holding a youth rally at the Villa Madonna on Sunday, August 18, 1 – 6:30 pm. It will be an afternoon of sports, activities, faith, fellowship, worship and prayer. More information will be available later. In the meantime, they suggest that you save the date.

Cathedral Restoration

The annual collection for the Cathedral Restoration takes place on June 1/2. Envelopes are available at each entrance. However, the Cathedral collection is dated June 8/9 in your box of envelopes. Feel free to place your donation in the collection on either weekend.

Yard Sale Thanks

Thanks to everyone who attended this morning and made the Victoria Day Yard Sale successful. We’d also like to thank all those who donated items and baked goods for the sale. We extend a huge thanks to the members of the Martha Guild for their hard work organizing and running the sale.