Cereal Drive

This is the last weekend (March 1/2) to contribute to the “Our Daily Bread Cereal Drive” in memory of former religious education student Maggie Nugent. We are looking for boxes of cereal, which can be placed at the front of the church near the Baptismal Font. Your donations will be delivered to St. Francis-Hazen White School.

Cereal drive final weekend

Jubilee Pilgrimage

The following are a few notes from the organizers of this weekend’s pilgrimage to the Cathedral –

A reminder that your Pilgrimage Day to the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is this coming Saturday, March 1. Doors open at 9:30 am, and the day begins at 10:00 am. The Jubilee year is a Holy Year, offering a special opportunity to experience Christ’s healing, mercy, renewal, freedom, life, and joy. We encourage all parishioners to attend this chance for spiritual renewal and blessings.

Altar Servers – Although this is a late request we invite altar servers from pilgrim parishes to serve at the Pilgrimage Mass. Please contact Natasha Mazerolle at nmazerolle@dioceseofsaintjohn.org if interested. Servers are encouraged to bring their own albs due to limited and varying sizes at the Cathedral.

Zoom Link for Shut-Ins – For those unable to attend in person due to being homebound, a private Zoom link will be available for the opening talk at 10:00 am and the Pilgrimage Mass at 12:10 pm. Parishioners can request the link by emailing nmazerolle@dioceseofsaintjohn.org.

Jubilee Pilgrimage

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception warmly invites Holy Redeemer Parishioners to a Jubilee 2025 Pilgrimage: a special day filled with prayer, devotions, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Reconciliation, and the Jubilee Pilgrimage Mass.

When: Saturday, March 1
Where: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

9:30 am – Doors Open
10:00 am – Welcome and Jubilee Talk
10:20 am – Private devotions and prayer in the Cathedral.
Confessions available until Mass time
11:00 am – Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
11:50 am – Benediction & The Angelus
12:10 pm – Celebration of the Pilgrimage Mass
12:50 pm – The Jubilee Prayer and a final word of thanks to the Pilgrims
1:00 pm – Departure