
All parishes across the diocese are participating in the “I Know My Sheep” census over the next month, when there is typically increased Mass attendance. The goal of the census is to update each parish database with current and accurate contact information for our parish families, to update the diocesan database, and to prepare for a planning study to test a potential diocesan wide capital campaign in 2023. Having updated information will also give our parishes a better idea of who is in our parish and hopefully improve communication. This weekend, and every weekend until January 15, you will see census cards in the pews. We are asking each family to take just a couple of minutes to complete a card. These can be returned by placing them in the offertory basket, dropping them off at the parish office or sending them by mail. Thank you for your cooperation in this important effort.

Clergy And Parish Announcements

The Most Reverend Christian Riesbeck, C.C., Bishop of Saint John announces the following clergy assignments:

Rev. Dr. Michael McGowan is appointed Chancellor of the Diocese effective January 1, 2023.

Rev. Douglas McNeill completes his term as Episcopal Vicar for Temporal Affairs, effective December 9, 2022. Temporal Affairs will become the responsibility of the Vicar General, Msgr. Brian Henneberry.

Rev. Douglas McNeill is appointed Pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Saint John, effective February 15, 2023.

Rev. Ralph McRae, EV, is appointed Rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Saint John, effective February 15, 2023.

The Most Reverend Christian Riesbeck, C.C., Bishop of Saint John announces the following parish changes:

Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Fredericton, is merged in an extinctive union with Our Lady of Peace Parish, Fredericton. Our Lady of Fatima Church will close after a final Mass has been celebrated there on January 8, 2023. St. Anthony’s Church, Fredericton, St. Theresa’s Church, Fredericton, and St. Patrick’s Church, Stanley, will remain.

An announcement on Our Lady of Hope Parish / Paroisse Notre-Dame de l’Esperance, Miramichi will be forthcoming.

Collection For Infirm Priests

The annual collection for infirm priests will be taken up this weekend, November 26/27:
“This collection is taken up in every parish and mission church in our diocese to help support our priests who, on sick leave, need special care. Your generosity will be a way of saying “thank you” to those priests and all priests who have responded to God’s call to serve and be there for you. Know that your contribution, large or small, is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.”
✠ Christian Riesbeck, CC

Remembrance Book

You still have time to add the names of your deceased loved ones to our Remembrance Book. To add someone who has died since last November, email us at stpiusx@nb.aibn.com, and we will add them to the list. If you do not have email access, please write/print out your list of names, and place it in the collection basket. Your loved ones will be added to the book and remembered at all Masses during November.

Christmas Basket Registrations

Our final day to accept applications for Christmas Baskets is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15, between 9:30 am – 12:30 pm in the parish hall. Please use the parking lot entrance. (The side of the church facing towards Millidgeville.) When applying for help, MASKS ARE MANDATORY, and only ONE ADULT MEMBER OF EACH FAMILY should come. Please bring proof of address and identification (Medicare Cards) for all family members living in your home.