CWL Dues

The deadline for CWL members to pay their dues of $32 for next year is December 31, 2024. Members may place their dues in the church offertory collection in an envelope marked with both “CWL” and the member’s full name on the front of the envelope. Alternatively, members may pay their dues at the CWL Christmas Party.

Sunday Missals

We still have a small number of 2024-2025 Sunday Missals remaining. If you haven’t purchased yours yet, they are available at the parish office while supplies last. Cost is $5. Please bring exact change. We suggest you call (506-653-6830) before dropping by to ensure we still have some left.

Sunday Missals
Update #2

Christmas Basket Registrations

We will be taking applications for Christmas Baskets tomorrow, Tuesday, November 12, and Thursday, November 14, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm in the parish hall (parking lot entrance). These will be the only two days that we will be taking applications. We will not be taking applications after these two days, so please plan to attend on Tuesday or Thursday.

Proof of Address and Medicare card is required for all those living in your home.

If you know any parishioners who may need help with a dinner, please show them this announcement and suggest they come to the hall on the above-noted dates with the proper identification.

Christmas Basket Registration
Tuesday, November 12 & Thursday, November 14