Votive Candles

You have probably noticed that there are no Votive Candles currently available in the church. Current health restrictions prevent people from gathering in front of the votive stands, and from sharing the wooden tapers used to light the candles. If you would like to have a candle lit in the church, please contact the parish office (653-6830 or holyredeemersj@gmail.com) and a member of our staff would be happy to light a candle on your behalf. The suggested donation for each candle is $4, and money can be placed in the collection basket.

Collection For The Needs Of The Church In Canada

Bishop Riesbeck has asked that we pass along the following message from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB):

This year, the Catholic Church in Canada, along with the rest of society, has been seriously affected by the Coronavirus pandemic: from an inability to gather in worship, through limitations on pastoral and personal interaction, to office closures. Bishops, as shepherds who watch over their flock, felt this disruption very keenly.

As we continue to address the challenges and impact of the Coronavirus upon our families, communities of faith and ecclesial outreach, your prayers, gestures of kindness and generosity are invaluable, heartfelt and true sources of consolation, comfort and renewed encouragement in the pursuit of the Church’s pastoral mission.

The Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada will take place on September 26 & 27. This annual charitable initiative assists the Bishops in their ministry of accompanying, teaching, guiding, sanctifying and caring for the Church in Canada.

Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful

“Each of us is a small stone, but in Jesus’ hands participates in the building of the Church.”     Pope Francis

Much has been learned about the current Corona Virus since it first brought havoc to much of the world. Now that its effects have subsided somewhat the attention turns to the next, or second wave. In the meantime many people have begun to experience pandemic fatigue! They are certainly concerned about the possibility of future illness but there has been so much impact on our daily lives many are looking for some kind of relief! Generations within families are cut off from physical contact and many live in isolation. Daily routines and life-giving rituals have stopped. Seasonal workers have lost their income and some workers have been forced to work longer, more stressful hours.

It is natural to question our place in the community and even wonder what our lives are all about. But living the difficulties of restrictions and facing future uncertainties can serve a larger purpose. Our thoughts of people cut off from us, our prayers for each other person affected, our contributions, in whatever form, to people in need, our prayers of petition for others and even our prayerful sighs of loneliness and bewilderment build up the church and our community of faith. We are not alone. God is with us. Each of us is necessary. The sadness, boredom, hardship and sacrifice of today are the grains of wheat that God grinds to become the Eucharist we long to celebrate together!