Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful

We like to “read up” on current events for many reasons. Our curiosity looks for details about happenings around home and around the world. It is helpful to read an analysis or background to gain some insight or to form our own opinions or to discover how we might help to solve a problem or alleviate suffering. It is reassuring to see “reliable” sources quoted to give us some confidence about what we have read or that the truth is being presented.

The value and power of a wise or reliable source is something we learn in our youth. Most teenagers who have tried and failed at something that a parent(s) has cautioned against have bristled at hearing the words “I told you so!”

As children we often settle disputes and arguments or make infallible pronouncements by invoking the best sources. Something is true because “My mother said so!” or “my grandfather swears he saw it happen!”

In today’s feast, Corpus Christi, we hear and learn that our offering of bread and wine will become the true Body and true Blood of Jesus. It is real food for our spiritual life and journey. By receiving and sharing in it we gain eternal life. It’s true, and we believe it, because “Jesus said so!”.

Trinity Window

The Trinity Window was installed at Holy Trinity in 1900 and was removed from the church before it was sold. Over the past year, the window has undergone extensive restoration and has now been installed above the main doors at the entrance of St. Pius X church. We extend our thanks to Ned Bowes, who restored the stained glass, and to Larry Robichaud, who crafted the new frame and lightbox.

Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful

Take a moment and think about someone you love very much. Now, describe them in one word. That’s very difficult if not impossible. You were probably thinking of your spouse or your parent(s) or one of your children or a sibling. The endearing qualities, the virtues of soul and strengths of character and shared life experiences are what probably come to mind. And that quickly leads us to share stories of what they mean to us, and why.

Now, think about God. You are more likely to talk about how you experience God rather than describe this unique relationship in one word or phrase.

When we first became aware of the world around us, and our place in it, wonder was born in us as we realized that all of this had been made or created by someone. We think of God first as a creator or parent we call Father. As we grow older we discover that not all people are “nice” or caring and that some people are responsible for some very bad deeds. Reflecting on that, we understand that we could have been part of the evil in the world.  But God saved us from that and we think of Him as a brother, a Saviour, a Redeemer whom we call the Son. And as we reach out to others in compassion and care, and fall in love, and bring life into the world and feel the pain of loss we know that God is present in yet another way…as a Consoler and Helper and Sanctifier, the Holy Spirit.

Three different persons yet the same God and the love that sustains that relationship we call the Trinity. It is what God wants for each of us and all of us. That sounds simple enough so try not to get caught up in making it complicated and impossible!

Latin Mass

Now that the province has announced an increase in attendance, Fr. Melanson will be proceeding with the Latin Mass on Saturday, June 6, at 10 am. Given that a smaller number of people usually attend this Mass than the regular weekend Masses at St. Pius X / Holy Redeemer, there will be no lottery / invitation system. However, attendance will be limited to 50 people. Those attending the Latin Mass are asked to please use the main doors on Somerset Street.