Volunteers Needed

The Holy Redeemer Martha Guild will be hosting their Bingo next Wednesday, February 27, and they can always use more volunteers for their fundraising events. If you can help, please call Donna (658-1568).

Income Tax Receipts

Tax receipts have been mailed out for donations made to St. Pius X Church/Holy Redeemer Parish during 2018. Receipts from Holy Trinity and St. Peter’s will be mailed within the next few weeks.

Please note: Holy Trinity and St. Peter’s receipts will be for donations received between January and August 2018. If you continued to use your Holy Trinity/St. Peter’s envelopes after August, those donations will be included in your St. Pius X/Holy Redeemer tax receipt.

Taxi Service

We have a contract for taxi service with Royal Taxi (652-5050). This is the only taxi service we use and it is only to be used for attending Mass at Holy Redeemer parish.

Little Church

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held on Sundays during the 11am Mass for children ages 5 – 10. The children will be called forward to go downstairs with a leader, and will return to the main community following the Offertory.

Envelope Reminder

If you are using Visitor, Holy Trinity or St. Peter’s envelopes, please include your complete name, mailing address and phone number so that we can provide you with income tax receipts at the end of the year.