Sandwich Request

There are sign up sheets on the tables at all entrances requesting sandwiches. These are for the reception which will follow the First Communion on Sunday, April 28. If you would be able to help, please fill in the information on the sheet. Please leave your sandwiches in the Hall kitchen on the 28th before the 11 am Mass. Due to allergies, no peanut butter, please.

Religious Education

Please keep in your prayers the 13 youth of our parish who will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation tonight, Wednesday, April 17, at a 7 pm Mass, as well as the 26 children who will celebrate First Holy Communion at the 11 am Mass on Sunday, April 28. We would ask that you also remember their teachers in your prayers; we are grateful for their support.

Prayers Of The Faithful – April 7

For Pope Francis, Bishop Christian and the whole Church, that we may be renewed and strengthened by this Easter Celebration.
We pray to the Lord.

For persecuted Christians and for the many who face the prospect of martyrdom for their faith in our Risen Lord.
We pray to the Lord.

For all in need of the liberation that comes from the Divine Mercy and for the grace to forgive those who sin against us.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor, especially families and children, who suffer most from the greed in the marketplace and for a change in how the world’s goods and food are shared.
We pray to the Lord.

For anyone who is ill and in need of our prayers.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Joseph “Emile” Mazerolle, Leroy Conway, Gerald Daigle, Raymond Roy; that they will receive refreshment, light and peace in the Kingdom of Heaven.
We pray to the Lord.

CWL Banquet

The CWL is holding its closing banquet on Saturday, April 20, following the 4 pm Mass. The meal will be a Turkey Dinner, for $20/member. All tickets are advance sales only, with a deadline of April 13. Ticket money can be put in an envelope marked your name and “CWL Banquet” and placed in the collection or dropped off at the rectory during office hours. The telephone committee will contact all members.