Prayers Of The Faithful – January 16

For Pope Francis and leaders of all Churches as they lead the world in prayer during this week of prayer for Christian Unity.
We pray to the Lord.

For our country still facing the pandemic with the rest of the world, that the heavy burdens it has placed on people and institutions will soon begin to lift and people and families may again come together freely.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian and our whole Diocesan family as we encounter the challenges of each day that we may see in the love and sacrifices of married couples a clear sign of Christ’s love and forgiveness.
We pray to the Lord.

For our children and grandchildren who can teach us about resilience and how to trust in God’s providence for the future.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor, especially families and children whose nutrition and housing are challenged by today’s inflation and those who take extra profit.
We pray to the Lord.

For anyone who is ill and in need of our prayer today and for people and families awaiting surgery or treatments that are now delayed.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Edward McCullough, Harry McInerney, David Keleher, Tom Mullin, Kevin Paul, Donna Muxworthy, Ferne Allaby, George Grant, Gary Clements, Frank Cogger, Esther Shanks; and for those in mourning.
We pray to the Lord.

Level 3

With the province moving to COVID Level 3 tomorrow night, there will be no in-person Masses for the next 3 weekends. We encourage you to watch our Mass online, which will be available on YouTube and Facebook on Sunday morning. Msgr. Henneberry will distribute Communion in the parking lot on Saturday at 4:45 pm and again on Sunday at 11:00 am. He will also hear confessions on Saturday, 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm, in the parking lot from his car.