Daily Mass, Monday, November 18, 2024
Author: admin
Mass – Sunday, November 17
Mass at St. Pius X Church / Holy Redeemer Parish on Sunday, November 17, 2024.
If you would like to support Holy Redeemer Parish:
Ways To Give
If you would like to contact us:
November 17 Bulletin
Prayers Of The Faithful – November 17
For Pope Francis, Bishop Christian and all pastors in the Church.
We pray to the Lord.
For the poor of the world, for their hopes and aspirations and in solidarity with efforts to lift them from poverty.
We pray to the Lord.
For unborn children and for expectant mothers and families.
We pray to the Lord.
For our children and grandchildren and all who are taking part in our Religious Education program.
We pray to the Lord.
For people who work in healthcare and for the many elderly awaiting placement in long term care facilities.
We pray to the Lord.
For those who have died: Sr. Maureen Fowler, SCIC, Joseph Dempsey, Margaret Rose Plourde, Peter Bourque; and for each person whose name has been entered in our Book of Remembrance.
We pray to the Lord.
CWL Cookie Walk
The CWL will be holding its annual Cookie Walk on Saturday, November 23, and Sunday, November 24, after all Masses in the parish hall. Fill your bag with a variety of delicious cookies for only $8. They will also have some frozen homemade apple and pumpkin pies for sale for $12 each. The wheelchair lift will be available after all Masses if you require assistance.
The CWL would appreciate donations of homemade cookies. They can be dropped off in the hall before all Masses on November 23 & 24.

Mass, Thursday, 11/14/24
Daily Mass, Thursday, November 14, 2024
Mass, Wednesday, 11/13/24
Daily Mass, Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Christmas Cash Bingo
Win some CA$H to help with your Christmas shopping!
Join us for our annual Christmas Cash Bingo at St. Pius X, 316 Somerset Street, Wednesday, November 20.
$1,000 Jackpot!
Early Bird games begin at 6 pm, Regular games start at 7 pm. Only $20 per person at the door.

Sunday Missals
We still have a small number of 2024-2025 Sunday Missals remaining. If you haven’t purchased yours yet, they are available at the parish office while supplies last. Cost is $5. Please bring exact change. We suggest you call (506-653-6830) before dropping by to ensure we still have some left.

Mass Schedule
Holy Redeemer Mass Schedule for November 11 – 17.