
Bishop Riesbeck has written a letter regarding the ongoing Synod and how you can get involved. The Bishop’s letter includes links to his recent homily on the Synod and to an online survey that you are encouraged to fill out.
Synod letter

Prayers Of The Faithful – October 17

For Pope Francis, Bishop Christian and the Church worldwide as the Diocesan Listening Phase of the Synod of Bishops begins.
We pray to the Lord.

For the many Church agencies and other groups who feed the hungry and work to abolish world hunger as we observe World Food Day.
We pray to the Lord.

For our Diocesan Family as we continue to meet changing restrictions and challenges to our gathering together and passing on our faith to children and others who seek the Truth.
We pray to the Lord.

For the many people still deeply affected by the Pandemic, especially those who live alone, and for workers who provide so many services to us while facing added burdens in the workplace.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor in our city and for all families faced with rapidly rising prices for food, rent and other necessities.
We pray to the Lord.

For each person at Mass today and for people with special needs who have asked us to pray for them.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Marie McRae (mother of Fr. Ralph McRae), Roy Marsden, Tony McGuire, Donald Walsh, Arthur Sullivan, Arlene Roberts, Beth Dunsmore; and for those who mourn.
We pray to the Lord.

Christmas Baskets

Once again this year we will not be taking applications for Christmas Dinners due to COVID-19.

However, we will be accepting donations to help with dinners. All monies received will be passed on to the Christmas Exchange, and you will be credited for income tax purposes by us. The Exchange will distribute these funds to the organizations that can physically meet with applicants in our area who need help. We would appreciate receiving donations beginning the weekend of October 23rd/24th.

We are late starting this year, so we encourage you to make your donations as soon as possible. We would like to pass along donations early in November so that the Christmas Exchange can determine just how many families will benefit.

Please place donations in an envelope marked Christmas Dinners, and make any cheques payable to Holy Redeemer. Thank you for your help.