Prayers Of The Faithful – October 10

For Pope Francis as he celebrates the Opening Mass for the Synod of Bishops, beginning a two year consultation with all members of the Church to determine how we may journey together to proclaim the Joy of the Gospel to the whole world.
We pray to the Lord.

For our country and our province on this Thanksgiving Day weekend, that the bounty of this richly blessed land may be shared and every child may be fed and have a home.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian as he celebrates the 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the Priesthood, that God may encourage, bless and support him in his faithful ministry to all of us.
We pray to the Lord.

For Catholic Health Care in Canada and for all who carry on Jesus’ healing ministry in our broken world today.
We pray to the Lord.

For every person in need of our prayer, especially people most affected by the uncertainties of the continuing pandemic and for people awaiting surgery, treatments and diagnostic tests.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Sister Ludovica Gallivan, SCIC, Shirley Banks, Sheila Darrah, David Black, Mary Ann Danahy, Polly Sampel, Rita LeBlanc, Jeannita LeBlanc, Catherine Kinsella, Paul von Richter, Doug Hebert; and for each person who mourns deceased family members and friends.
We pray to the Lord.

COVID-19 Exposure

Public Health has informed us of a possible COVID-19 exposure at St. Pius X Church / Holy Redeemer Parish during a funeral on Wednesday, September 29, between the hours of 12 pm – 2 pm.

If you weren’t present at this funeral, you have no need to be concerned. If you were present, Public Heath advises that you self-monitor for any symptoms for 14 days after the date of the exposure. Our upcoming weekend Masses are not affected, and will proceed as scheduled with all usual COVID precautions.

Religious Education

We are still without teachers for multiple grades of our Religious Education program. Without teachers, we will be unable to offer classes for those grades. If you are available to volunteer as a teacher or teaching assistant on Sunday mornings from 10 am – 11 am, please consider helping. Please contact the parish office (653-6830 or if you can assist.