School Supplies

Reminder: Don’t forget to bring your school supplies with you to Mass this weekend.

The CWL is collecting school supplies for students. Any donations will be appreciated and can be placed in bags at all entrances. Some suggested items are Glue sticks, dry erase markers, pencils, erasers, markers, notebooks, etc. The deadline for donations is Sunday, September 8.

Holy Redeemer CWL
School supplies drive

Prayers Of The Faithful – September 1

For Pope Francis as he begins an apostolic journey to Asia and Pacific Ocean Islands.
We pray to the Lord.

In thanksgiving for human labour, for people seeking work and for the safety of all workers.
We pray to the Lord.

For Joseph Desmond and Ryan Tapley from our Diocese who have entered St. Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto and for all young people contemplating a religious vocation.
We pray to the Lord.

For our children and grandchildren leaving for university, college and institutions of higher learning and training and for all children returning to school.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor and homeless, especially families and children.
We pray to the Lord.

For people who are ill and for those receiving care.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Sr. Anna Marie Wanner, SCIC, Maddy Williams, Jeannette Pascon, Anne Marie MacDougall, Linda O’Halloran, Betty Young, Gerita Sullivan; and for their families.
We pray to the Lord.